Full course description
Welcome to the SCALPeL Series, the Stanford Clinical Anatomy Lecture and Practical eLearning Series, based on the Clinical Anatomy course that is required for all first year medical students at the Stanford School of Medicine. It is appropriate for all medical students, Physician Assistants and other health care professionals. As the name implies, this course highlights anatomy that has clinical relevance.
Prerequisites: Familiarity with basic anatomical concepts like the anatomical position and fundamental anatomical terms used for relationships such as anterior, posterior, distal, proximal, etc.
Authoring Institution: Stanford University
Authors: Sakti Srivastava, MBBS, MSAssociate Professor, SurgeryChief, Division of Clinical Anatomy, Stanford University School of Medicine; Ben Lerman & Nitya Rajeshuni, Student Ambassadors, Digital MEdIC.
Estimated Time of Course: 40 Hours